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Attendance & Reporting an Absence

Attendance Policy

Student attendance is to be regular and punctual. It is the responsibility of all students to make up class work missed during an absence.

Students who are tardy to school, thereby missing instructional time, may be required to make up work during recess periods. Excessive tardies will result in:

  • A parent conference will be held for students in grades TK-3 who receive 10 or more tardies. A plan to develop punctual habits will be developed. 
  • Students in grades 4-6 who receive 10 or more tardies may be assigned to Saturday School. 
  • Students who have habitual tardies and or absences may be subject to a Student Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting at the school, or referred to the district’s “Student Attendance Review Board” (SARB) for further family intervention.


Reporting an Absence

Please do one of the following when your student is absent:

Email Hilda Manukyan, the administrative secretary and your child’s teacher. 

Send written note to the office including the name of the child, dates and reason for the absence, and parent signature.

Call the school at (818) 241-2433. 

When the reason for absence is illness, the specific nature must be given, such as cold, fever, sore throat, etc.

Please note that if your child has been out for five or more days, a doctor’s note is required upon return to school.

According to state law, the only excused absences are for illness, medical treatment, bereavement, religious holiday and some legal commitments. Family vacations or personal business are considered unexcused reasons for absence.

Teachers are not required to provide makeup work for unexcused absences.

Excessive absences could affect your child’s report card.



Students who arrive late must sign in at the school office before entering the classroom. All tardies are recorded on the attendance register. If tardies become a more serious disruption, the school administration will contact parents for additional intervention. Tardies are considered excessive when students reach five per trimester. Tardies could affect your child’s report card.